Krasnogorsk F-21 (Ajax 12) Spy Camera
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Mechanical miniature surveillance camera with a wind-up film-advance mechanism, built by the Krasnogorski Mekhanicheskii Zavod (KMZ), the Mechanical Factory of Krasnogorsk, between 1951 and 1995. During the Cold War, it was a very popular surveillance camera of the Soviet intelligence agency KGB and its sister organisations in the other countries of the Warsaw Pact, such as the Stasi (MfS). Because of its small size and simplicity of operation, the F-21 was ideally suited for covert operations. A variety of mechanical constructions were developed to enable the F-21 to be used in virtually every type of concealment, ranging from a pack of sigarettes to a woman's handbag. Including pocket cable release with aperture settings and shutter button concealment and a gilt button with hammer and sickle to shoot through.
Serial Number | T921473 |
Condition | A/B |
Year | ca. 1992 |
Purchase Date | Oct 24, 2019 |
Price | 800 |
Currency | EUR |
Bought where? | Jo Geier Mint & Rare Vienna |
Collection Owner | BAYLIGHT |
Invoice | 1904811 |
Sold | No |